Foam Roll Video Tutorial!

Heyyyy!! did you all check out the sweet giveaway that I am hosting? You have until Monday to enter so get in your entries now! You do NOT want to miss out on this oppourtunity!

Now, due to all of the emails I have recieved recently regarding “How to use the foam roller”I decided to put together a short video demonstrating some of the main muscle groups that I personally use before and after I workout, as well as share with my clients.

If you dont use the foam roller, watch this video and give it a shot. Since using it, I have seen greater strength gains, increase in flexibility and in general my body feels a whole world of difference. Before every workout, I go through my warm up routine that I shared with you guys a couple of weeks ago, and then FOAM ROLL!

Some tips: I will say that when I show people how to use the foam roller for the very first time, they hate it because it can be a bit painful. The pain is signiling your body that you need this soft tissue work to be done! The Good news is that the more often you use the foam roller with proper techqniues, the better your body will feel as well as a noticible decrease in pain. 

  • Be Persistent. IT band, glutes and chest muscles are usually the most painful spots. Spend extra time on them, working through the pain.
  • Spend extra time: Focus on any tight areas for a bit longer, directly over the knot or trigger point itself
  • Don’t roll over your knee caps or your neck: You want to avoid rolling directly over your kneecap to avoid any injuries as well as your lower back and neck. Upper back is A-OK!
  • If the foam roller is not enough?: If you are familiar with the foam roller already but find that there are just some areas on your body that always seem to feel tight, graduate to the tennis ball! Place the tennis ball right on the knot (whether it be in your back or IT band) and complete the same techniques, rolling back and forth over the ball. The tennis ball really gets into the muscle much deeper than the roller can

Do you foam roll?