Two New Workouts and Updates!

Hey guys!
WOW the support I got from my last post was overwhelming. I have to admit it did bring tears to my eyes (not to sound cheesy) I never wanted to post this incident for people to feel ‘bad’ for me or to bring more attention to myself. I wanted to share it because I love connecting to my readers. I want to be as open and honest as possible and this was a very serious health scare that happened that I felt (5 months later) comfortable sharing. Some of you emailed me saying you had undergone similar situations, or if not surgery definite other health scares. I just want to say how much I appreciate you all reaching out/sharing  your stories with me and being so open about it.
Today I wanted to share with you two KILLER workouts! Quick and dirty! Hope you enjoy them and get your sweat on today!

Barbell glute bridge
Box Jumps
TRX high plank crunches OR stability ball knee ins
Renegade Rows
Squat catch press (if you do not know how to properly swing, take away the swing aspect of the exercise. Simply squat, catch and press)
Barbell glute bridge
Box Jumps
TRX high plank crunches OR stability ball knee ins
Renegade Rows
Squat catch press (if you do not know how to properly swing, take away the swing aspect of the exercise. Simply squat, catch and press)
Barbell glute bridge
Box Jumps
TRX high plank crunches OR stability ball knee ins
Renegade Rows
Squat catch press (if you do not know how to properly swing, take away the swing aspect of the exercise. Simply squat, catch and press)

If you want to give yourself an extra push….Repeat 1x through with 10 reps of each! Feel free to increase the weight as your reps decrease! 

And for the second workout…..

Torturous Body weight Countdown
** This workout consists of 4 exercises. You will perform 10 reps of each of the exercises. Rest 60 seconds and then perform 9. Rest 60 seconds. Then 8. All the way down until you are going through 1 rep of each. ENJOY! Rest accordingly but try to complete this workout FOR TIME


  • 10 box jumps (you can use a weight bench, plyo box or set up an aerobic step at an appropriate height)
  • 10 high plank shoulder taps (each side)
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 mountain climbers

REST 60 SECONDS and then move onto go through the set with 9 reps of each. Down to 1.


What else is new with me? Well not a whole lot to report. I am 9 days out from my show in Atlantic City so I am in my 100% focus mode. This is the time where diet is EVERYTHING. The workouts are the workouts and I get through them but when laser vision comes in is with the diet. It is ON POINT and needs to stay that way until the day of the show. My energy levels ebb and flow but overall I am feeling great and really looking forward to getting on stage again!


Did I mention that I am sporting new sportswear for this show? If you are unfamiliar with bikini competitions-we have two ‘looks’ the first one is a bikini. The one I am wearing is the same one I used last seaon from Passionfruit Designs.

The other ‘look’ is a theme sportswear. Last season I had a “Bollywood” theme. I loved it!


This year I wanted something new! Here is a sneak peek. Any guesses? I bet you won’t guess it right BUT I will give you a hint that It has nothing to do with the USA!


11 thoughts on “Two New Workouts and Updates!

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Great workout!! Thanks so much! Best of luck in your competition…you look great. 🙂 and my guess is wonder woman too!

  2. Claire says:

    hmm the red and white stripes are making me think of Where’s Waldo and the Cat in the Hat! hahaha but I have a feeling it’s neither of those

  3. Ally says:

    Hahaha Claire my first thought was Where’s Wally as well! Would definitely be unique!
    You look amazing Naomi! Really looking forward to hearing about how your comp goes!

  4. Lisa says:

    Those workouts sound killer, just what I like:)
    I’m bad at guessing games, I’d probably just embarrass myself with a far fetched guess. You are looking fantastic though and can’t wait to hear more about it!

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