Exericse Q&A

hey bloggies!!

I am so very sad today I realized I forgot my computer cord at Jason’s house ahhhh…This means I wont be able to show you any of my wonderful (haha) pictures from yesterday and today! My mom made a fabulous butternut squash soup, I made pumpkin bread and I got some awesome new products to try, so until then, I will have to make you wait…again, I am so very sorry

I will take this post to answer some fitness questions for you all. I am an ACSM certified personal trainer and went to college for exercise science. I try my best to stay on top of the latest health/wellness and fitness news and always look for new and exciting information or exercises to share with my clients

I would LOVE to answer any fitness/exercise related questions you may have!! Just shoot me an email at onefitfoodie@gmail.com

Here are some questions I get many times from clients and people who work out at my gym. It has to do with exercise and recovery time.

Q: I am a bit sore from my strength workout but I want to do something today, can I workout?

I always try to stress that after a weight training workout your muscles need rest!  Depending on how hard the weight training workout, I recommend to give your body  24- 48 hrs to recover before you weight train again. Weight training training creates micro trauma-which basically means that tiny tears are created in your connective muscles every time you train them . The way your body responds to this damage is by making your muscles stronger and bigger, which in turn protects them against damage that you may run into in the future. Working your muscles too soon can lead to muscle breakdown, not strength. I try to stress (and am a huge believer) in the importance of body confusion. This simply means not sticking to the same workouts from day to day or even week to week. I try to change up my routines every time I weight train at the gym so my body is in shock, assuring that it will work at its hardest. it also keeps me from getting bored! You want your body to reach a happy medium where it can stop making adaptations to the stresses you place on it.
There are some activities and workouts that I do advise would be great the day after a hard strength training workout, such as yoga. Yoga is a great for improving improved flexibility, strength, concentration, and improving overall posture. Yoga improves blood circulation as well by transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout your body which is great for the day after a hard workout to get your blood flowing! Swimming, walking, easy elliptical or bike workout is  fine just make sure these are not your ‘strenuous’ cardio days

I personally love to a nice run the day after a hard  weight training workout. I love the way it gets my blood flowing throughout my entire body. I do not sprint all out or try to run a certain number of miles, just a nice enjoyment jog. 

With all of this said, exercise the day after a strength workout will be different for every person because everyone’s body reacts differently to exercise– all I can say is that strenuous cardio workouts will not help you recover from strenuous weight training workouts. I generally recommend no more than 3 strength training days in a 7 day period.

Always remember to warm up before your workout and cool down after your workout. The cool down will help relieve muscle soreness as well as remove lactic acid buildup from your body after a hard workout!

What should I be eating Post workout??

It is super important to fuel properly after a workout! I recommend a mix of protein and carbs within 60 minutes of your workout which will fuel your muscle recovery. Carbs are important because they aid in restoring muscle glycogen. No carbs after a workout means that your body may actually break down muscle tissue. Carbs also create a spike in insulin levels which will help move move nutrients into your bloodstream at a faster pace.

Protein is the next important nutrient you should be eating after a workout. While animal protein, fish or eggs can be a wise choice after a weight training workout, whey protein is highly recommended because this protein is delivered to your body at a must faster pace because it is in a liquid form, also not to mention it is a fast digesting protein. 
  • I recommend .10-.45 grams of protein per lb of body weight. For a 140 lb woman, this would be between 14-63g protein
Some great post workout meals
  • 1 pita w/ 2 tablespoons hummus
  • Greek yogurt (protein packed!!)with 1/2 C cereal such as Kashi Go-lean or Puffed rice 
  • Egg white omelette with 2 pieces wheat toast
  • Whey Protein shake made with 1 scoop whey protein, skim or soy milk, berries, 1/2 banana ice and water (I love BSN Lean Dessert ) Click HERE to see one of my favorite post workout meals and some protein powder reviews!
  • Low fat string cheese with serving of crackers
  • Bowl of cereal made with skim or soy milk with 1/2 sliced banana
  • Whey cake (mix 1 scoop BSN  protein w/ enough water to make a paste, microwave for 1 min and it will be a moist protein cake!) crumbled into greek yogurt

Hope this helped answer any questions on recovery that may have been burning in your mind!!!


7 thoughts on “Exericse Q&A

  1. Allie (Live Laugh Eat) says:

    I wish I went to a school with an exercise science program so I could take classes that teach me this stuff!! It’s just so interesting. Thanks for the info. Can’t wait to see the goodies. At least it was the cord you forgot and not the camera!!!

  2. Andrea says:

    Hi Naomi! not sure if this is where the questions are supposed to be asked but here it goes: I naturally have very thin legs and I want to build the muscle in my lower body, calves, quads, glutes. I have been doing weights for a few months and i have seen noticable growth but I still would like more growth. can you tell me what my diet should look like? I’ve increased the amount of calories I eat and also whey protein. Also, should I be doing Cardio? To keep my midsection in check? I was told not to by a trainer

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