Foodie Filled Few Days!

Do you like my sawwweeettt alliteration in the title??


It was in my bag that I brought to Jason’s I am so exstatic! I had some delicious things to share with you all!

Yesterday started off with a comforting bowl of oats that I made at Jason’s House

1/2 C rolled oats, 2 baby bananas , frozen blueberries, 3 diced strawberries, Truvia Packet, Walnuts
perfection! After Breakfast we rode up to his parents house which is located on the South Shore of Massachusetts. Their house is incredible and located steps away from the ocean. It was a perfect fall day outside yesterday so the ride and whole day was so enjoyable!
We got to play with his brother’s and brother’s fiance’s dog, Riley!

Riley with her Harley Davidson Chew toy
At around 1, we got very hungry and decided to head downtown Scituate. I knew I wanted to go to this market called “Front Street Gourmet Cafe ” This cafe/take out/grocery store is a foodie HAVEN!! They are known for their organic, fresh, homemade goods including everything from Mighty Maple Ice-cream homemade in the store to their homemade wraps and paninis. I had a chance to talk with one of the owners who is super nice and she was so impressed with my blog!

I got a wrap called the “Shrink Wrap” LOVE the name!!  Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, sprouts, basil and fat free balsamic dressing. I got Hummus instead of the dressing and added grilled chicken and provalone cheese.

Naomi’s Shrink Wrap.  THis was delicious and HUGEEE…Yes I ate the whole thing. What can I say, I was hungry and my body wanted the shrink Wrap! I loved the sprouts in this wrap! I forget how much flavor sprouts have, I am certainly getting this week to make in my own wraps!

Jason picked up these two goodies at the store as well

Would you take a look at this 7-layer bar? It was amazingly decadent, filled with chocolate chips, graham, topped with toasted coconut. This was the best dessert I have had in a long time!
–Have you ever gone to a new town or state and absolutely fallen in love with a sandwich shop or store that every time you go back there, that one store is the only thing you can think of going back to?
Jason’s sister, Samantha had also made such great pumpkin bread that was moist and filled with flavors of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. we asked where she got the recipe and she said it was a store bought mix, but the mix came with a full can of pumpkin! Before we left his parents town, I went to to the local store and picked myself up a box!

There it was. Libby has really outdone herself with this mix! The box contained a whole can of pumpkin and the ingredients ask you to add oil, eggs and water! thats it! Normally I like to make my OWN pumpkin bread, but this looked too good to be true, so I had to try it out for myself!

I used eggwhites intead of whole eggs and also added cranberries in there!

It was sooo moist and just as good as it was when we tried Samantha’s! I Should’ve picked up a few boxes of this mix, I haven’t seen it at my grocery store. Libby is one smart cookie, or should I say pumpkin!
Sticking with the squash Topic, My mom made rich, healthy, flavorful butternut squash soup last night!

We started by sauteing white onions and garlic

Add red peppers, diced. at this point my camera died, but she chopped up the butternut squash, threw it in the pot with broth & water and let it simmer. At the end she zested 1/2 of an orange and the juice of 1/2 of the orange. This touch of orange really brought out the flavor!

Final Product with some toasted walnuts. It was served piping hot and so amazingly delicious. The walnut added a rich crunch to the soup that I really enjoyed.
Today, Look what I got in the mail!!!

1 case of Luna bars

1 of each flavor of Luna bars. I am SO excited. Did I mention I am going to Costa Rica next week for my cousins wedding? Yes I am!!  My whole mom’s side of the family lives there, aunt, uncle and 5 cousins, 1 of whom is getting married. Anyways, I mention this because I will be bringing LOTS of these bars on the plane ride and for snacks on my trip. Some of these flavors I can’t wait to try such as Chai Tea and Berry Almond!! YUMM
I also received a little package from the lovely people at PURE bars

4 sample bars (I ate 2 already!!) some coupons and a cute bio-degradable bag. The flavors are chocolate brownie and apple cinnamon. This was my first taste of a PURE bar and WOW, I was amazed. These were so full of flavor and moist! The texture of these little guys is soft and chewy, almost like a baked good as opposed to a bar, with chunks of real fruit and nuts. I can’t say I liked one over the other because they are 2 completely different flavors, both chewy, moist and sweet.
  • The Apple cinnamon had no fake, artificial fruit flavor and was packed with large chunks of fruit. These bars can be found at any Trader Joes, which just happens to be one of my favorite place on the planet. 8/10

  • The Chocolate Brownie acutally tasted like a chocolate brownie-I am not even kidding you! It actually  has the consistency of, a real brownie, which personally I have never seen in a raw food bar! 8/10

    From the Website: there are no refined sugars or preservatives. Our nutrition bars are also raw, meaning they are cold-processed to protect the quality of vital antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. (In other words, our PURE bar kinda does grow on trees!)

    Chocolate brownie: Our Chocolate Brownie Bar is made with fair trade organic, virgin cocoa meeting the highest quality standards on the market. We combine this with California Deglet Noor dates which provide fiber, potassium, and magnesium – nutrients that respectively, can help stabilize blood sugar, maintain healthy blood pressure, and build strong bone

    Apple Cinnamon: Our Apple Cinnamon Bar contains dried, organic apples providing important fiber and flavenoids – healthy antioxidants which can help stabilize blood sugar when combined with the fiber. Cinnamon has also been recognized to stabilize blood sugar and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. In combination with California certified organic walnuts, this treat delivers a sweet crunch loaded with Omega-3s!

    Lastly I also got a package from my FABULOUS uncle in Costa Rica with a book I have wanted to pick up for quite some time

    Thats my mom holding the book “The End of Overeating”  By David Kessler
    In Short: In “The End of Overeating,” Dr. Kessler finds some similarities in the food industry, which has combined and created foods in a way that taps into our brain circuitry and stimulates our desire for more.

    • When it comes to stimulating our brains, Dr. Kessler noted, individual ingredients aren’t particularly potent. But by combining fats, sugar and salt in innumerable ways, food makers have essentially tapped into the brain’s reward system, creating a feedback loop that stimulates our desire to eat and leaves us wanting more and more even when we’re full.
    • Dr. Kessler isn’t convinced that food makers fully understand the neuroscience of the forces they have unleashed, but food companies certainly understand human behavior, taste preferences and desire. In fact, he offers descriptions of how restaurants and food makers manipulate ingredients to reach the aptly named “bliss point.” Foods that contain too little or too much sugar, fat or salt are either bland or overwhelming. But food scientists work hard to reach the precise point at which we derive the greatest pleasure from fat, sugar and salt.
    In Long click HERE to read the review from the NY times
    ** What great book you have recently read??
    Alright, Bloggies, time for this Foodie to hit the sheets. I have work WAY early tomorrow (5am!!)
    Sleep tight and eat well


  • Check out Averie’s frutrition Giveaway
  • Check out this halloween filled giveaway

22 thoughts on “Foodie Filled Few Days!

  1. Caroline says:

    Great post! I read The End of Overeating this summer and absolutely loved it.

    I feel like it really helped me a lot (sometimes I think I should go back and re-read it) but he is right on. I liked how he pointed out that people of all shapes and sizes can be overeaters and they just deal with it in different ways. I felt like he was speaking to me.

    I also love that you got to try PURE bars, they are my favorite 🙂

    Also I saw the little Ugg Badge on your side bar and clicked it to find that you can purchase Uggs for 75.00 less through this site!? I wish I had seen this earlier since I just got a new pair in the mail and spent way more!

  2. Anne Marie says:

    I love anything pumpkin, so that bread is right up my alley! I haven’t had a 7 layer bar in a long time, but I can say that I really want one now 🙂

  3. Shannon says:

    So many yummy things I could comment on! I’ll stick to the Pure bars since I recently discovered them. I’m trying to cut gluten out to help with my tummy issues, so I have a bunch of Pure bars and Lara bars. I love the Pure bars. Bars that are chewy are my favorite!

  4. Janetha says:

    OH MY GOSH! naomi. so i have been wondering why you haven’t been blogging. and i am always so touched by your fantastic comments. and i was like WOW naomi has not posted in ages. so i just decided to come leave you a “why aren’t you posting” comment and i see that you HAVE been posting! but my google reader has not been updating your feed. what?! i wonder why. and i feel INCREDIBLY bad that i haven’t been reading! eep! i am so sorry, i am going to try to get to the bottom of this. do you have any idea why reader stopped updating? have any of your other readers mentioned this problemo? crap, i am so sorry! xo

  5. Allison says:

    Ughhh I HATE when I leave my camera cord at my boyfriend’s!! I do it way too often…

    It was worth the wait for all these delish foodie pics though! 🙂 Yummyyy pumpkin bread. That’s a good idea subbing cranberries in there rather than chocolate chips or nuts for a change.

    Lucky you with that LUNA loot!!! Heaven in bar-form haha…

    Happy Tuesday Girly!

  6. dailygoods says:

    i saw that pumpkin bread mix at costco the other day but just walked on by! i’ve got to go back and see if it’s still there. i love making my own pumpkin bread, but would love the convenience of this once in a while! 🙂

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