Memory Mondays and a peak in my fridge!

Please update your readers if you have not already done so!

Happy Monday! I am going to start monday off with a tradition that I would like to continue every Monday  going forward. I think most of us are just a little bummed on Mondays-being the start of another work week and having our weekend behind us. I would like to bring about MEMORY MONDAYS. Each monday I am going to share a picture (or 2) of a memory I have from this picture, from my past so here goes!

This is a picture of me and my brother (2 years older than I) when we were about 6 and 8. This picture was taken in Cape Cod, where when we were growing up, spent each and every summer until we got old enough to go to our beloved overnight camp. Cape Cod holds such a dear place in my heart, and we still have a house which my parents basically spend the entire summer at. We travel there every so often and everytime I go over that bridge I get a tingly feeling and it brings back such care free, amazing memories. This was taken at  ‘our’ beach, Dowses. Don’t you just love my stylish polka dots?

This picture was taken at our overnight camp, Camp Tevya  when I was 16 and he was 18.  THis camp holds such a special place in our hearts as well. I started going when I was going into 6th grade and continued for 10 years! every summer for 10 years, we packed up the car and were brought to Brookline, NH (only about an hour away) and this is where we spent each summer. I was a camper for 6 years and a counselor for 4 (Athletic Director for 2 of those years) This place was a haven for me and I cannot even describe the amazing friendships I still have to this day from camp. I will cherish Camp and my Camp friends, always.
Did any of you attend overnight camp? Did you fall in love or was it not for you? if you didn’t attend camp, did you spend your summers somewhere special like Cape Cod?
I must share my dinner from last night. Jason and I have declared that Sundays be pizza night! They are so easy to make and delicious (and healthy)

Mine is the left (low carb wrap) Jasons on the right (Boboli)

Pre cooked veggies
Post cooked veggies
Tah dah! Mine was sauce, cheese, veggies and grilled chicken
His was sauce, cheese, veggies and pepperoni
I made a yummy salad for us as well. Romaine+red peppers+tomato+dried cranberries+cuke+sliced grapes

we also lit a fire. This is me taking over the fire duty!
Today, I had work at 5am. The good thing about this is I am done for the day around 12:30-1. TOday I teach a body sculpt class at 12. So I am done at 12:45. Class went really well! I incorporated some new moves which the class loved! I love seeing them improve and have proper form. It shows I am really getting through to them about the importance of form and breathing
I grabbed a treadmill at around 6:15 and hit the deck for a 4.2 mile run. I love this distance. Jason asked why I always run this distance, why not 2 or 3? I responded saying this was my “ZONE” distance in which I feel awesome when I hit that 4 mile mark. I could keep going for 5, but I stop around 4 because it is there that I feel great!
Do any of you have a zone distance??

at around 8:30 I dug into breakfast. 1/2 C oats, chia, 1/2 banana, truvia packet, cinnamon, frozen berries

and this star player, which I keep at work. I try to take a portion out so I am not eating out of the jar, we all know what happens when we eat out of the jar!

MMMM….Love the creamy and crunchiness of Crazy Richards
Shorty after some work and chugging about 2-32 oz’s of water (I was quite thirsty this morning!) I snacked on this before teaching class

Pumpkin + Plain Chobani + 1/2 C Kashi Go Lean= perfection!

and a perfect Honeycrisp Apple! (my favorite kind!)
Lunch was eaten very quickly after I came home, and now I am just digesting…
I went into my fridge and decided to snap some shots of what a normal day in my fridge looks like! 

always, at least 2! THere is also the unpictured Peanutbutter hummus and another garlic lovers hummus from TJ’s.

Yes, we eat a lot of egg’s! These are so convenient to have on hand! (yes, that is French Vanilla Silk creamer sticking out in the left hand corner)

LOTS of fruit, always. This is not all of it either! we have about 10 bananas, cut up watermelon and tons of frozen berries and mango. I am so happy its clementine season!
OK, now its LUNCH TIME

the outards
  • 1 Josephs Lavash wrap
  • low sodium turkey breast
  • baby spinach
  • tomatoes
  • sprouts (LOVE!)
  • Peanut butter hummus 

the innards

salad made with baby spinach, broccoli slaw, red peppers, cuke with Foods Alive Mexican Harvest flax crackers crushed on top. It was drizzled in balsamic glaze.
I am off to the gym for some weight training. Normally I see my trainer today, but he had another appointment which he could not get out of! I am so sad, but I will still be doing his program and just downloaded some new tunes to get me going!
  • Bad Romance-Lady Gaga
  • Replay-IYAZ
  • Do you remember-Jay Sean Ft. Sean Paul
  • For your Entertainment-Adam Lambert
  • I will be here-Tiesto
  • Hell of a life-T.I
What song are you currently listening to?


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29 thoughts on “Memory Mondays and a peak in my fridge!

  1. Shannon says:

    HI Naomi! I am so happy to be able to get on your blog. For some reason it has not been loading for me??? When I just saw that you commented on my blog, I thought I’d give it a shot again. Success!

    I love your pictures! I grew up on Cape Cod (year round). I love it there. I remember the first time I went home after I went away to college, I was taking a bus, and as soon as I saw the bridge I started to cry. I was so homesick! I love my home and still get tingly when I see the bridge.

    Great looking pizza! I love pizza night!

  2. ktbwood says:

    ahh okay i seriously need to try Crazy Richards asap!! i love the memory thing! and those pizzas-look AWESOME.. i love pizza+diet coke ( i know, terrible ! ) and YES get the indian meal!!! soo good..VERY filling too..and the burps are worth it! haha my boyfriend was grossed out..but oh well!

  3. Julie says:

    ooooh! good tracks girl 🙂 I’m currently mid obsession with Michael Buble..well when I’m not working out haha.

    Pizza sundays sound so fun!! I gotta hop on the make your own pizza wagon soon 🙂

    glad your sculpt class went well!

  4. Abby (Nibble, Nourish, Run) says:

    I love Memory Mondays! Such a great idea to beat the blech-ness of this day! You and your brother are precious! We went to Cape Cod too growing up – still do! Nantucket is my favorite place in the world…!

    I love your 4.2 zone distance too…mine’s 3.2! I want it to be 4.2 though!!

  5. Nicole Chow - says:

    Aww, what a cute picture! I love Memory Mondays – what an awesome idea! BTW, when I read you went to Camp Tevya, it brought back so many memories. I think all my friends either went to Tevya or Yavneh. Too funny! Those pizzas look so good! Both look pretty healthy in comparison to what you can get/eat out. BTW, where do you work?

  6. Gina says:

    I LOVED your childhood picture! You and your brother are so precious.

    The veggies and pizzas look like a Nick and Gina dish, all the way. Thanks for the fridge tour 🙂

    I listen to so much random music, nothing in particular. I only listen when I workout or drive!

  7. Jenny says:

    yay you popped up on my google reader today — success!

    that picture of you and your brother is adorable! I tried overnight camp once and cried every night because I missed my mommy. I am such a homebody!

    Love the new memory monday concept – thanks for shedding light on an otherwise awful day 🙂

  8. eatingRD says:

    Early day! But I like the getting off early 🙂 I go in around 7:30 but still don’t get off till 4 or so.
    Yummy eats!! I myself don’t have a zone run since I recently started running! Usually I cycle or take aerobic classes so this is new for me. Sunday I did a slow 5 miles and while aerobically I felt fine, my joints are not happy with me today. I hope this gets better?
    I’m looking forward to the christmas music!!

  9. Sophia says:

    Love the pic!!! You are your bro are a gorgeous pair of siblings! 🙂

    Sigh…I’ve never been camping the correct way…I went with my Asian church…and guess what? They brought a freaking RICE cooker with them!! WHO DOES THAT?!!

  10. Lizzy says:

    I’m thinking i need to come over for breakfast lunch and dinner! Pizza Sunday’s sounds like the best tradition ever!

    I love the pictures and stories of you and your brother. My sister and cousins and i went to summer camp when we were little for 2 summers for a week and i loved it! I would do anything to go back and visit that place! so many great times! Its where i got my nick name dizzy lizzy! have you heard that song!? hehe

    goodnight my dear!

  11. Erica says:

    I love the idea of Memory Monday! You two were SUCH cute kids. Adorable-ness. The pizza looks yummy- I love his and hers versions of meals.

    Glad you had such a good day and that you can see your classes improving- how fabulous is that? Fun fridge pics too. I love a full fruit/veggie drawer.

    Hope your Tuesday is as good as your Monday

  12. biz319 says:

    Hooray for taking over fire duty! I still, after 8 years of having a wood burning stove, have trouble starting it!

    Try this when you get down to the bottom of your Go Lean Crunch, pour it on a paper plate. Peel a banana, smear about 1 tablespoon of peanut butter all over it and then roll it in the little bits of Go Lean Crunch – it is so fricken good!

  13. Jen (Running With Cake) says:

    Your brother is such a cutie – I’m sure he gets that all the time from the ladies! I have only been to Cape Cod once but LOVED it! My husband and I hope to go their again some day. I may be in Hartford, CT, for business in August. If so, I plan to take a couple extra days and drive to the Cape. As for my song, I am listening to the Charlie Brown Christmas CD!

  14. Missy says:

    Your pictures are so cute! I only went to day camp. I was always terrified to go to overnight camp!

    Ooo I got that Crazy Richard’s peanut butter last week. Can’t wait to try it! I’m sure I’ll be eating it out of the jar too!

  15. chrystad72 says:

    The top pic is great! love it! I used to go to a camp when I was little. Each summer for a week. I loved it! I met so many great people and ended up keeping in touch with them for a little while. I have to portion out my PB too. PB straight from the jar is dangerous! lol

    Good songs too! Im constantly on the lookout for some new jams to keep me going! Right now i just have a bunch of remixes on my ipod. Off the top of my head I so cant remember, but can post back! I like sharing tunes=)

    I heard you can also search for songs on iTunes by BPW…i have no idea how to do this though..have you ever tried to do this?

  16. Devan Geselle. N says:

    haha your fruit drawer looks like mine. I can never have enough 🙂 YUM!
    I want to try Crazy Richards PB. Whats your favorite PB??

    The pictues of you and your brother are so presious! I have been to a couple overnight camps:) SO much fun. I am not really a “camper”. I was more so when i was younger..
    my idea of camping now involves a 5 star hotel, shower, and good food.;) haha

  17. eatmovelove says:

    I must hear this new Adam Lambert song…is it good? Currently…and don’t laugh…but I can’t get that 16-year-old kid’s song – “The One” ??? – I think that’s what it’s called ! out of my head…Justin Beiber…Gahhhhh!! I want to pinch his cheeks haha – I don’t know why he signed with Usher’s label over Justin Timberlake though…oh well whatever 😉 Love your pizza – but the crust is too thin :)I had pizza 3x last week and I’m still wanting it this week…it’ll happen

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