Teeeerific Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone! How are we all doing today? I am just Teeeeerific! Why you ask? well I have no work today and I am going to FLORIDA with my mama tomorrow until Saturday! My grandparents live in Boca Raton and we are going to spend 2 days in Ft. Lauderdale and 2 days in Boca with them. I can’t wait to be in the sun. It finally feels like winter here.

This even happened on my street!
Ok, I kid, I kid-this did not take place anywhere around me, nor did it snow more than 4 inches over the weekend.

Now this, is something I don’t kid about.
**A reader asked me how I make my oats so creamy and to awnser your questions, I think this looks extra creamy because it is oatbran, not oatmeal. This is the kind I currently have:
Arrowhead Organic Oat bran
1/3 C oatbran, 1/2 banana, frozen blueberries and raspberries, cinnamon, chia, Truvia and some Cinagro honey maple PB on the side

**I don’t typically like my PB all drizzled over my oats (sorry if thats wierd) I prefer it on the side in a dish like this** I know,  This makes for not such great oats pictures, but what can I say, I like what I like!**

My breakfast was eaten after I hit the gym this morning for a 5 mile run! I felt so great about myself that I busted out 5 on the treadmill. I finished in 42:30. I was only going for 4 miles, but I felt so great and had some awesome tunes (New Spacecowboy CD and Lady Gaga CD) so I just felt like I had to keep going! 

I will share some eats from yesterday since I was super busy and didn’t have a chance to blog.

Turkey Wrap in  Josepsh Lavash wrap, romaine, hummus, stone ground mustard, cuke, tomato

Nom, Nom

Salad on the side with balsamic glaze and Foods Alive Italian Zest crackers.

I work at a gym and this is what Gym Services sent us for a holiday gift. It looks very innocent like this right?

BAH! Milk Chocolate Truck!
Almost the size of 2 blackberry’s. 
–I thought this was a bit funny that a gym services company sent us (health professionals) a chocolate truck. I mean, they at LEAST could have made it dark chocolate, 70% cacao (I kid, I kid) very nice of them to send a little gift our way

Kays Natural CInnamon Pretzel sticks

Eaten with plain chobani mixed with cacao powder.
An organic Gala-So juicy and perfectly Ripe.
DInner was left over stir-fry I made with Jason on Sunday night. I know its not pretty but the picture does this NO justice. I made homemade peanut sauce.

I eyeball’ed the whole recipe, but it contained:
  • Peanut butter (crunchy)
  • rice wine vinegar
  • fresh ginger
  • Low sodium soy sauce
  • chopped garlic
  • water
Cooked up the veggies in a skillet, then added the precooked chicken breast and sauce and BAM-easy stirfry! I served it with Brown rice.
Salad on the side too. I certainly had my fair share of veggies yesterday!
Some dessert. Cottage cheese, PB2, blueberries, dollop of Cinagro pumpkin PB.


Tip of the day: Eating out can be very hard especially this time of year with all the comfort foods being featured on the menu during the winter months. Of course you still want to go out and enjoy yourself, but here are some great tips to help you out!
  • Ask for baked, grilled, dry-sauteed, broiled, poached, or steamed. Even ‘sauteed’ means it is probably sauteed in oil or butter. 
  • If something says it comes with sauce, always ask for it on the side!
  • Order an appetizer as your main dish and pair it with a salad. Some restaurants that are known for their big portions also have huge portions as their appetizers as well (and its cheaper!)
  • Read the menu on line before you go to the restaurant so you have some idea’s of what you want to order. You can use a site like  www.HealthyDiningFinder.com
  • When ordering Pasta, look for tomato based sauces, not cream based. They are typically much lower in calories and fat.
  • Even if something seems healthy chances are it could be cooked in butter or oil, so don’t be shy and ask your server! 

Plan today will be Manicure/pedicure, Lunch, meet mom at BLOOMINGDALES to get myself a winter coat, back to the gym for upper body weight workut, packing, dinner, bed early, I think our flight is at 6am!

What is your plan today?
What are you listening to on your Ipod Right now?
What are you asking for for the holidays?


38 thoughts on “Teeeerific Tuesday

  1. MelissaNibbles says:

    Enjoy your trip!

    I’ve been looking for a healthy peanut sauce recipe! Thanks!

    I’m asking for a new car for the holidays. I won’t get it, but it’s all I want.

    Have a great one girl!!

  2. Tricia says:

    Sounds like a fun trip. I’m going to be in Ft. Lauderdale this weekend too (I live an hour north of there, but will be there for an event.) Have fun!

  3. chrystad72 says:

    I hope you have a great trip! It is kinda funny that they sent you a big chocolate bar for christmas. haha. I guess alot of places do that though. My plan today is work then gym after..I was going to get up early but my bed was jsut too warm this morning. So off I go tonight! On my ipod I have a weird random mix of stuff. All depends on what Im doing. I have different playlists for cardio, weights, walking, running, at home and cooking..(hah yup! cooking gets its own playlist)

    Have a great day!

  4. Missy says:

    Have a great trip! I am jealous! I want hot weather!! Nice tips for eating out! I always check menus before I go somewhere so I can plan ahead!

    My plan today is work, gym, dinner, the usual! I am listening to house and techno as always (David Guetta, Armin Van Buuren). I asked for a Wii Fit!

  5. Gelareh @ Orange Truffle says:

    That is funny that they sent you Chocolate. Dark choclate or a gift card to a spa would have been ideal 😉

    Plan for the day… at work till 5, then I have to update two websites when I get home

    I am listening to Persian music on my ipod

    I am asking for cycling cloths. I am doing the Houston to Austin MS 150 in April and training starts first week of January.

  6. Melissa says:

    Since Jared won’t get an engagement ring for me for Christmas, I’m asking for a new camera, DVDs, and basic stuff.

    Those Cinnamon pretzel sticks look like a great snack!

    Jealous that you’re going to Florida…have fun!!!

  7. lisaou11 says:

    Florida—you lucky girl!!

    Honestly, I’m not askin for much this Christmas–I want an armband so I ran run with my ipod…and money 🙂 haha

  8. ktbwood says:

    ahh this post made me laugh bout the oatbran thing! that is NOT something we joke about..is the serving size the same for oatmeal/oatbran? i blend my oatmeal in the blender.. i bet id like oatbrand better!! the PB thang def makes sense tho.

  9. THE ACTORS DIET says:

    i love those cinammon pretzels. why don’t more companies make something like that – it’s such a great flavor combo!

    question – did you ever get the zevia from the giveaway? i am going to contact them soon b/c someone else didn’t and i wanted to see what was the story.

    email me at actorsdiet(at)gmail.com

  10. Andrea@WellnessNotes says:

    I like your eating out tips. I have found that having a “mental plan” really helps me. So whenever I can I look at the menu online and decide what I’m going to have before I leave the house. And appetizers are usually a great way to go.

    Have a great trip!

  11. Gina says:

    Oh how fun, Florida!! Boca Raton reminds me of Seinfeld, do you watch it? That’s where Seinfelds’s parents live, haha.

    I like oat bran better than oats, personally, and I want to try the Arrowhead brand, as I’ve only ever tried the Hogsdon Mills.

    I am asking for clothes, purses, shoes, and money for Christmas! yeah, the basics, nothing too exciting. Oh, and I need a new winter coat too 🙂

    Have fun on your trip!

  12. Nicole Chow - HealthyChow.com says:

    I thought those cinnamon pretzel sticks were french fries in the first pic! HAHAHA! Have a blast in FL with your family. We’re supposed to get more snow here tomorrow, so I’ll be thinking of you while you’re basking in the sun and I’m bundled up in my down coat 🙁 Have a safe flight!

  13. Kelly says:

    So jealous, I hope you have an awesome trip! It’s very cold here, I could so go for some Florida right now!

    Thanks for the tips on restaurants! I’ve had to do some of those because my stomach gets upset with cream, lots of oil, fried foods etc. I have to say, servers aren’t all that nice about answering whether something will be cooked in butter etc. They are somewhat nicer when I say its a stomach problem but seriously, would it be so terrible if I wanted to eat healthy?

  14. homecookedem says:

    I just recently discovered the awesomeness that is OAT BRAN! So amazing!! 🙂 I just had some for, uh, dessert? 😉 I’ve never tried it sweet… will have to try it out sometime.

    That chocolate truck is too funny! 🙂

  15. april says:

    I love oatbran! I like it more than regular oats actually!

    That dessert sounds delicious.. definitely something I’d have!

    Have a blast in florida where it’s nice and warm!!

  16. lizzy says:

    Hi love!!!!!
    FLORIDA tomorrow YAYAYAYAY!!! 🙂 i’m so excited for you! My grandparents actually have a house near Boca Raton and i’m crossin my fingers that i’ll be able to visit them spring break this year! I hope you and Mom have the BEST time ever! make sure to soak up the sun for me! xoxox love u!

  17. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

    Damn girl you’re commenters are comin’ outta the woodwork, love that for you!

    Choc truck. Nice. It’s like a dentist giving lollipops to kids. On principle, couldn’t they have give you like a $10 itunes card or something?!!

    Flight…where are you going? Sorry I should know this!

    On my ipod. Tons of yoga music that I try to compile into playlists but it gets boring listening to super mellow tracks, then I just say F it and hodge podge it but then in classes I’m like whoa…that random Top 40 song needs to get outta my slow flow mix!

    Tips from one fitness profesh to another for dealing with ipod song compilations? I’m all ears…

  18. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says:

    YURM– I’ve never seen those pretzel sticks before. They look delicious!

    Good job on the run– isn’t that kind the best?

    Have fun in Florida…I wish I were going somewhere warm! I’m currently looking out on a window of SNOW!

  19. Janetha says:

    ahaha.. i got all excited when i saw all that snow! i love snow! too bad it is not really where you are or you might see me on your doorstep 😉 that sounds like a fun little getaway youve got planned!! jealous! and haha~ a GYM sending out that chocolate!? too funny.

    today ive got a dentist appointment, lower body workout and a night out with friends i think! i am listening to pandora radio right now actually~on “metric” station. i am asking for a snowboard rack and an ipod dock!


  20. Katie ♥ says:

    MMMM!! The chocolate truck looks yummy and huge!!!!

    I love Kays Naturals Cinnamon Pretzel sticks, I need to order more of those online!!!!!!

    I hope you are having a great week love!!!!


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