Confidence Talk & Protein Oats!!

Happy Monday! start of CHRISTMAS WEEK! I don’t celebrate christmas, but I know many of you do so I want to share my happiness for this joyous holiday with all of you!

I want to start today talking about confidence. That word, many of us know is very important to have within us. Confidence can be seen in our gait, how we carry ourselves, how we interact with others and most importantly how we feel about ourselves. I was watching a commercial for the Bachelor (which I am SUPER excited about!!) it starts January 4th, for anyone wondering. I was watching as this very good looking man walked into a room of about 30 women. Now this is an example of how one can feel confident. The fact that all these women are waiting to fall in love with this man or even for the mere chance to interact with him, he must feel amazingly good about himself. How could he not? These women are here for HIM. Then I got thinking about the other women on the show and how they all must just be thinking in their heads how to beat that bit*h next to them. These women also must have a huge amount of confidence to think that they can woo over this strapping young man and make him ‘the one’

As I walked out of my spin class this morning I got thinking about confidence yet again. I just worked my butt off (literally!!) pushed my heart rate to the max, sweat, breathed heavy and gave that class my all. I walked out of that class with a feeling of accomplishment, like I was ready to conquer anything. I looked up a a few women walking slowly next to their friends on the treadmills, with their perfect makeup’ed faces and blow dried hair, chatting about the newest restaurant or what they are cooking for dinner this evening and I couldn’t help but think to myself “Yeah, I just worked harder than you, feel amazing and most of all, I feel CONFIDENT, keep walking along on your dreadmill, ladies”

For me, exercise makes me feel great about myself. I love the rush of endorphins that take over my entire body, and I love lifting heavy weights in the middle of a sea of men. I do not care one bit that 80% of the time I am the only woman there. I put on my headphones and get on those weights like its no one’s business. It makes me feel confident and thats what matters. We often can be too hard on ourselves, looking in the mirror thinking “I want thinner thighs, flatter stomach, different hair style” or we often think “I am not doing enough, I need to push myself harder and work harder” When is the last time you thanked your body and mind for being amazing? What makes you feel confident?

I want you all to think about confidence and what makes you feel your best? Is it your amazing work ethic? A fabulous workout session? The fact that you have a talent that many people don’t or don’t know about? Is it when you are with your family? There is SOMETHING that makes you feel great, so take the time to thank your body and mind today. 
Last night Jason and I finally exchanged Hanukkah gifts. For mine, we took a little trip to some places and I was going to pick out what I wanted. Jason is very practical and would much rather get me something that he KNOWS I will love and that I need, so we went to City Sports where I was going to look at some winter boots. I ended up getting Uggs!

I love them! They are practical, cozy and yet very fashionable. I love how they have a masculine feel but the fur still makes me feel like a girly girl!
Jason has a Harley and obsessed with it, so I got him this HD dart board for his newly finished basement! (matching darts too)

We set it up right away and took a few shots!
Dinner was some pizza. Mine was on Josephs Pita and his was on Whole Wheat Boboli. Delicious! it was topped with tomato sauce, peppers, onions, grilled chicken and low fat mozz. Mmmm
This morning I have the day off work! I love relaxing days like this. I woke up around 7:50 and came right downstairs for some protein oat bran. This was going to fuel me for my 9:30 spin class at the gym.
I magic Bullet’ed up 2 eggwhites till they were light and fluffy

poured in on my 1/3 C oats with chia and 1/2 banana
Mixed all together and nuked again for about 45 seconds

Voluminous oat bran with egg whites and frozen berries. Have you Protein’ed up your oat bran yet??
Holy calorie burn!! I had NO idea how many calories I really burn in spin class until I started using my new toy. WOW thats a whole lotta cal’s! Good news because I like to eat…a lot 🙂

I came home and made a yog mess with greek yogurt, the other 1/2 banana and 3/4 of a Bosc pear
I got this apple slicer yesterday (SO excited!) and used it for my pear, this was an experiment…

Kind of awkward but it worked!

Topped with some Natures Path Optimum Slim Cereal.
I did some errands (had to return something at The GAP. I browsed through Borders and spotted this fun game!

I was so tempted to get it, but I didn’t know if I would actually play it, I just liked the idea of it!
Lunch featured this Applegate Farms Roasted Turkey Breast
And homemade mustard from my mom’s friend. IT IS AMAZING…I am going to ask her for the recipe because I have never in my life had mustard this good before!

Creamy, tangy, honey, flavor, drool. Thats all I have to say about THIS!

Turkey wrap with hummus, mustard, tomatoes, arugula and sprouts (hiding under the turkey!)

Salad with mustard dressing (dollop of mustard, rice wine vinegar, EVOO)
Now, I am just digesting then heading back to the gym for my personal training appt. It is all weights and mostly upper body today! I am going to wear my HR monitor because I have never worn it during weight training. Should be interesting!
  • What is or was your favorite board game as a kid (or now!) I loved CLUE and SORRY. Classics!
  • What makes you feel confident? For me, its exercise
  • Favorite Cereal right now? Natures Path Optimum Slim
TIP OF THE DAY: When you are on your cardio machine of choice, instead of going steady state, change up the speed or resistance for a minute to really get your heart rate up, this will speed up your metabolism, blast more calories and also make your workout less monotonous.  After a minute, return back to your recovery speed and keep alternating: 1 minute hard, 1 minute recovery. Do this for 20 or 25 minute and your workout will be done before you can say “PEANUT BUTTER”

46 thoughts on “Confidence Talk & Protein Oats!!

  1. Allie (Live Laugh Eat) says:

    We are total foodie twins right now. I always always always put egg whites/sub in my oats!!! It’s the only way to go–it makes them sooo creamy and delicious.

    I’m obsessed with the apple slicer. I had way huge apples that wouldn’t fit in the slicer and I got so sad I couldn’t use it haha.

    Thanks for the confidence pep talk. I used to be a lot more confident until I got to school. I’m working on it but I don’t think I could ever go on the Bachelor with 30 other women 🙂 Whew!

  2. lizzy says:

    hi love!!!! 🙂 you are so right with this whole confidence statement! this post couldnt of come at a better time for me. as i’m going through changes with myself and my body, now more then ever do i need confidence! Thanks for writing that!!! 🙂

    i gotta tell you that i LOVE your new uggs!!!! i wish i had a pair like those, i need some new winter boots!

    hope your having a good day love! xoxoxoxo

  3. Carbzilla says:

    GREAT post! Love the confidence boost!

    I haven’t tried egg white oats yet but according to the eatclean lady, I’m not eating enough protein – maybe that’s a good way to get it in!

    Love your practical Hanukkah presents!

  4. MelissaNibbles says:

    Thanks for the confidence pep talk. Working out makes me feel confident and proud of my strong my body.

    My fave board game as a kid and still as an adult is Trivial Pursuit. I love the random questions.

    I’m not a cereal eater, but I love me some oatmeal.

    The darts look like fun and you got your boots just in time for the snow!

  5. Food Makes Fun Fuel says:

    I didn’t even know people made homemade mustard, that’s awesome!
    What makes me confident when I’m down on one thing is thinking about the others that I am good at. I may not be running now, and I hate strength building. Oh well, I’m a great baker and a smart student so if I’m not all three at once that’s ok

  6. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

    Oh Naomi great post! I am confident that I know I look good in a swim suit and while on vacay right now, not having to reach for a coverup or hide under a moo-moo, that’s nice and confidence-building, esp b/c I’ve given birth! But it’s not magic: it’s a lifetime of working out and clean diet. I also feel good when I know I just rocked out a great yoga session or run or power hike or whatever. LOVE That. And love that you lift w/ dudes. Rock on!

    30 other women? I used to work in bars and nightclubs with 200 other women…that’s the ultimate and better get your confidence on or go home!

    Congrats on the UGgs and Happy belated Hanukkah!

  7. homecookedem says:

    Great post! I have good days and bad days when it comes to confidence. Lately I’ve been having more good than bad, so that’s good. I think the difference for me has been to realize that even though I’ve gained weight in the past year, I’m still a pretty great person on the inside and I haven’t lost any friends b/c of gaining weight. If anything, I’ve gained more! I think it has to do with being less focused on calories and rigidity of how I was living and now I’m balancing out family and friends with my own healthy lifestyle.

    Love the Uggs!! 🙂

  8. Jenny says:

    aw girl this is such a great post! Confidence REALLY is something that comes from within. It’s all in the swaaaagger. I can be all dolled up, hair did, makeup applied — and feel like a hermit. But then there’s times when I complete a tough yoga session and I feel like hot sh!t! It’s so wonderful that you’ve found such a positive source of confidence for you babe. You should be so proud of yourself. You’re a power woman!

  9. Julie says:

    haha! i felt the same way after spin this morning 🙂 such a great feeling!

    the other day i was on the treadmill and this woman gets on next to me in FULL BLOWN makeup gets on walks for about 1 minute at about 2.5 pace i’m like girrrl nice try haha

  10. Gina says:

    Fantastic post Naomi. We all need a reminder that we are beautiful, and need to be confident. After all, confidence is what men are really looking for! Now matter what oyu look like, if you are confident, men will look at you differently, and feel a connection with you, I know it!
    Exercise makes me feel confident too, and eating a healthy meal, or buying a new pair of sexy jeans 🙂

    I love your mini Boboli (whole wheat!) pizzas. Nick and I do those a lot, but not as much now that I’m off wheat 🙁

    Awesome foodie game. Thanks for letting us know about it. I love new games.

  11. greensandjeans says:

    My ultimate confidence boost comes from doing things that I had no idea I could do. Running a race minutes faster than I expected, powering up a hill when I wasn’t expecting the energy boost, or totally rocking a project at work! My current favorite cereal is granola from my local coop!

  12. redhead75 says:

    Favorite board game = Fireball Island

    Being strong = confidence

    Favorite cereal = Natures Path sweetened corn flakes GF

    You’ll be surprised at how much you DO burn during weight training!

  13. K from ksgoodeats says:

    Whenever I’m not feeling that confident I tell myself to fake it until I make it. There’s nothing worse than people actually SEEING that I’m not confident (especially if I’m teaching)!

    Game = LIFE! I love that game!
    Cereal = Kashi Crunch 🙂

  14. Jenna says:

    love you naomi! What a GREAT post!
    So true about confidence and I am also super excited for the bachelor!!
    I have been seeing everyone using egg whites in their oats, sounds kinds weird but I defs need to try it out!
    I love my apple slicer, sometimes with awkward shaped fruit like pears I flip it upside down then slice it so the base of the pear is on the top. It sometimes works! Hah

  15. eatmovelove says:

    Oh…I wish I felt confident. Once I stop feeling so down and being ‘hard’ on myself I’ll let you know…bad habits die hard. Love your positive vibe though girl and the pep talk…can you come live with me? haha 😉

  16. MelindaRD says:

    That board game does look kinda cool. My fave was always monopoly but it takes forever to play. We do scrabble a lot.

    As for confidence, I think knowing that I know what I know in my area of expertise and I have been recognized for this, I feel confident in my job and profession, which carries over into my personal life.

    My fave cereal right now was the strawberry yogurt natures path I just finished. I am sure in my cereal mess here I will find another favorite natures path cereal shortly.

    Glad you are feeling confident!!!

  17. glidingcalm says:

    mmmmmmmmmm your pizza and turkey wrap look amazing!!!

    hurray for cute boots!!! i don’t really have a waterproof pair and I am DESPERATE. plus I love me some uggs!! i may have to copy you!! 😉


  18. burpandslurp says:

    Interesting notes about confidence…I loved how you tied in Bachelor with a moral lesson, lol. I think I’m most confident when I do something that makes others happy. It makes me realize that there is more to life than making MYSELF happy!

    Fave game used to be Uno and Clue!

  19. purplepinkytoes says:

    Wow I absolutely love this post (and your new uggs!) Exercise also makes me feel so confident! I also feel confident when I do something I never thought i’d do before, academically, physically and emotionally! 🙂

  20. findinghappinessandhealth says:

    i love this post. feeling confident is actually the best feeling in the world. i feel confident when i work hard and it pays off, whether it be in school, improvement in my running, or even gaining a pound or two 🙂 You’re amazing!
    & those uggs are sweeet- ive never seen them before. me and my boyfriend haven’t done hanukkah yet… he celebrateschristmas so i guess that trumps it haha. i got him a garmin forerunner watch 🙂


  21. Devan Geselle says:

    i got all teary reading this post Naomi.. i was feeling so down, so not confident for the past while.. well really still am a bit.. but reading this helped me. <3
    I need to find my confidence again. I KNOW i have a big heart, and am passionate about so many things.. and I know I can do a gorgeous makeup on any face , and to give compliments.. can I take compliments?? not really. 🙁 its hard for me.

    favorite board game- scattergories!
    confindence – when i did exercise (was healthy enough to do a realy workout) i loved that feeling!
    favorite cereal- also Naturals Path Optimum Slim!

  22. Kelly says:

    Very interesting post about confidence. I definitely feel confidence after exercising (slightly more seeing how many calories you are burning at spin class, I must be burning at least close right!?). I also feel confidence after accomplishing something like getting my masters, running a race, etc.

    I think I am very confident, I know I have weaknesses, but I know have strengths as well. It’s interesting you talk about the people on the bachelor as having confidence…I don’t know if they really do…I think sometimes people who are not as confident are the ones who have to go on a show like that (not that I dont’ enjoy watching it haha) and “beat out the next bitch next to them” is someone who does not have as much confidence…
    in my opinion anyways 🙂

  23. Shannon says:

    A good workout always makes me feel good. I purposely planned a good run yesterday because I had to take my last chemistry final of the semester. 12 miles later, I went in to my test feeling like I would ace it. I think I did!

  24. Erica says:

    loveeeeeeeeeeeee this post. Agree totally- working out makes me feel strong and confident. I must say though, after running a race- I have never felt more confident! Such a rush. Love your uggs! Josh and I are pretty practical at this point too. For Birthdays, we’ll buy special gifts, but for Christmas we usually decide what we want together (this year it was to go on vacation in March). Love those pita pizzas- so delicious.

  25. Karin says:

    I think that confidence is a very tricky thing. So many women completely lack it and others just think they’re DA BOMB. I think it’s important to keep a realistic balance 🙂

    That mustard looks great by the way. I’ve never heard of homemade mustard before!

    My favourite boardgame was monopoly. Still is.

    Confidence? Feeling strong after a workout & being kind to people. 🙂

    Gosh, I love all the cereal that’s very very bad for you.. anything with Kellog’s on it as I ate that stuff all the time when I was a kid.

  26. Emily says:

    I haven’t tried protein oats, but it seems everyone on the blog world is loving them.

    I know confidence is something I really struggle with. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is believe in yourself.

  27. Katie ♥ says:

    Wow yummy oats and holy calorie burn girl!!! That is awesome, spin classes rock!!!!!!!

    My favorite game was Clue as well and I loved Candyland!!!!! My son and I like playing Sorry, that is a fun game too!!!!!!

    I hope you have a great day!!!!

  28. FoodFitnessFreshair says:

    Ah, I love your clip about confidence. Self-confidence is key! Exercising defintely boosts my confidence level. I’m usually one of the sweatiest people in the gym, particularly for a girl, but my own confidence keeps the boys still looking at me rather than those over-make-up girls (it could be that they’re looking at the dripping sweat, but nonetheless, my confidence would like to say that’s not what they’re staring at).

  29. Jil says:

    It’s true. Confidence is KEYYY! I have so much more of it nowadays…and I can’t help but feel like a million bucks walking down the street in a kick-ass outfit and my aviators on…it sounds lame, but I just feel so damn good. haha “Hey everyone, come see how good I looook!” …Ron Burgundy – Anchorman. haha

    I also agree with you about the gym. I don’t get the point of going if you arent’ really working..when I get to the gym, I work my ASS off…I’m sweating and red and it’s glorious! I’d rather have someone stare at me and be like “Damn, she’s working HARD” than look at me and thing “Is she even breaking a sweat? Is that newly applied eyeliner???”

  30. Alyson says:

    Awesome post! Your paragraph on exercise making you feel good about yourself could have been taken straight from my head 🙂 I sometimes find myself feeing bad for people who have never felt that rush after a great spin class or killer lift session. I wear my heart rate monitor for everything, and it’s interesting, I definitely get my heart rate soring during leg workouts but not so much for upper body, though definitely more so on power days than light days.

    I adore my Magic Bullet but had never thought to whip eggs in it! Totally trying that for my next oatmeal 🙂

    Fave board game: Monopoly
    Fave Cereal: Nature’s Path Pumpkin Flax Granola

  31. chrystad72 says:

    awesome post! I was just talking to someone about how I love working out because I love the feeling it gives me after. When I work really super hard it really does boost my confidence for the entire day. There is something about taking care of yourself that makes me feel fabulous the whole day. Oh btw, that mustard sounds amazing! If you ever get that recipe I would love to know how to make it=)
    My favorite cereal is kind of a random mix. I cant just stick to one flavor! At the moment my favorite mix is, puffed millet, puffed wheat, fiber one and some crispy brown rice. Soooo good with some almond milk.
    The game looks really fun too! Oh I had a question for ya! So Ive been wanting to try and mix some egg whites in my oatmeal. Looks like a fabulous idea! But im afraid I wont cook my eggs enough…Do you just nuke it in the microwave for like a minute? Will that cook them thoroughly enough? Id love to try it. Looks awesome. Have a great day sweetie!!

  32. elise says:

    there is so much in this post that i want to comment on…but since ive only JUST found your blog. ill just say “hi” and cant wait to keep reading 🙂 oh and i really wanna get one of those apple/pear slicers..ive always wondered how they work. it looks cool!

  33. Deb (Smoothie Girl Eats Too) says:

    Oh YOU’RE *Naomi*!! Nice to ‘meet’ you!

    I also feel confident after I exercise- perhaps it’s the endorphins 🙂

    I was thinking as I saw your differing pizzas that it’s how my hubs and I eat too- mine is always slightly different. A calorie saved…

    Woot on the calories burned in class- holy moly! Have a great day!

  34. Britt - Runnerbelle says:

    Hi There! Great post!

    Agreed working out definitely is a confidence booster! I feel incredible after races, especially marathons.

    Any time I get down on myself I remind myself all of the amazing things I have accomplished in this fabulous body I have and with the wonderful life I am living!

    Love the boots too by the way!

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