This is how we do ittttt

Happy Friday! Oh its Friday Night and I feel alright… makes me think of this song…anyways I digress. FIRST I want t thank you all SO much for your sweet comments about my post yesterday regarding overtraining yesterday. I got such a great response from all of you, some who have experienced overtraining and some who have never experienced it! Whether or not you have, I just want to remind you all to Listen to your bodies!!
Dinner last night

I tried out some veggie dogs which I have never had before. I mixed them with some roasted eggplant, brussel sprouts, and skiritaki noodles. I did not like these dogs at all!! Maybe I cooked them wrong? Has anyone had these before and have any suggestions? I acutally had to throw them out 🙁
Today I had work bright and early, well not really bright considering it is still dark at 5am. I knew I was doing some cardio today but I didn’t know what. I started off running and my knee started bothering me about 20 minutes in so I cut my planned 4.5 miler short and listened to my body. I made it a 3 miler then went into the aerobics room and did a mini spin class with myself for about 15 minutes. New Ke$sha CD? its aaaaamazing!! great workout tunes!

oat bran for brek @ 8:30
  • 1/3 C oatbran cooked in h20
  • frozen berries
  • chia
  • cinnamon
  • NuStevia
  • Naturally More (question mark?) drizzled atop the big ole bowl
Vanilla Chobs with some swizzle stix aka Kashi Go Lean was eaten @ 11:30
Came home and was about to eat my toes off, so I dug into some kalamata sabra with a stalk to hold me over, because I wanted to make some pumpkin spiced chickpeas!

Huge Jass with homemade dressing.  Romaine, yellow pep, tomatoes, ‘shrooms, sprouts (love these!) red onion. In the dressing: EVOO, stone ground mustard, balsamic and champagne vinegar.

Tofu salad on the side= tofu, greek yogurt, stone ground mustard, sesame seed spices
On a slice of Low Card Bread
Few hours later I drove my mom to the airport, she is away for 10 days (WOWZA) I came home and was feeling very snacky
Cocoa eggwhite pancake
  • 2 eggwhites
  • dollop of cacao powder
  • NuStevia
  • Topped with PB2 Smiley

Cottage cheese and pumpkin spiced chickpeas
Pear with some cinnamon
Black Tea with almond milk.
I got this awesome pacakge from simplylife! I was just supposed to get the 18 Rabbits bar but she threw in some goodies!! NuSteva and Z kalamata olive Crackers! THANK YOU GIRL!!!
Tonight I am off to dinner with my brother, his girlfriend and Jason at a restaurant called Max and Dylans. It started snowing a bit (surprise, surprise) Tomorrow-no plans yet and Sunday I have a Bridal shower! (my first one!)
  • What is everyones weekend plans?
  • How do you like your eggs?
  • Favorite hummus flavor? 
PS-anyone else obssesed (shamlessly) with Jersey Shore…my gosh, that show just keeps more and more entertaining!
Did you watch Michael Cera on Jimmy Fallon? So funny!!

31 thoughts on “This is how we do ittttt

  1. theemptynutjar says:

    Hi, thank you for the comment on my blog recently – I appreciate hearing new comments and thoughts. You are very fortunate to have the ability and life circumstances for physical pursuits. Have a nice day!

  2. Mari says:

    I am obsessed with Jersey Shore! I was cracking up with the commercials when they were giving him a makeover lol. Is it just me or do Sam and Ronnie annoy you too?

    dude that tofu salad looks so good! I think I want it lol

  3. Danielle (Coffee Run) says:

    Cuteee pancake 🙂
    I’ve tried those veggie dog things and they were just alright. I never cared for “real” hotdogs to begin with though.
    Fav. hummus flavor = roasted red pepper! And tons of garlic

  4. sophia says:

    I’m meeting a friend for lunch on Sunday! I like my eggs runny, preferably poached! With a drop of soy sauce! Mmmm

    Does the kalamata sabras come with those olives? Thats freaking cool.

  5. ktbwood says:

    fav hummus-tahini hummus
    eggs-with cheese and ham!

    good for you for listening to your body! thats so important. thanks for sharing that. umm tofu salad?! YUM!

  6. MelindaRD says:

    Oh wow does that cottage cheese and chick pea snack look good. I may need to try that. How are they seasoned?

    Not much planned this weekend, just homework and hanging out. Eggs I do like over easy, runny to dip bread in. And for hummus it is actually my step dads mother’s hummus that is my fave. you can’t beat it. She is from Egypt, so it is very authentic. She makes kick ass falafel too.

  7. Andrea@WellnessNotes says:

    The pumpkin spiced chickpeas are on my “must make” list! I think I’ll make them right now…

    Weekend plans: Hubby and I are going to sneak in a date. It’s been a while, so I’m excited…

    Eggs: I can’t do hard boiled or all the way cooked eggs anymore, so I only eat eggs over easy with the egg still a bit runny…

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Jamie says:

    I’m going to download kesha tunes per your suggestion! And that tofu salad is a great idea- I am going to trader joe’s today to scope out some tofu. Sorry about the veggie dogs 🙁 The veggies looked delish though!

  9. Melissa says:

    I only eat eggs if they’re scrambled and on toast/an English muffin, etc. with cheese. Mmm!

    And pretty much any flavor of hummus is awesome!

  10. peanutbutterbliss says:

    just regarding your last post – i thought I was overdoing it with running (6 days a week; atleast 5 miles) so I cut back to 5 days a week and have seen a major improvement!! i can run faster/longer on run days and am not as sluggish anymore. werid, huh?

    love the egg white pancake!

  11. chrystad72 says:

    Rock on!! i just downloaded the new Ke$ha cd too from iTunes! Its awesome to work out too I think. I just loaded it up on my iPod this morning. Awesome. Got me through a long cardio sesh thats for sure!

    Bummer about the dogs! I know some kinds are better than others. There is this one brand that I really like but Im drawing a blank now. I’ll pass it along if I think of it! I know for some people its a texture thing.

    Awesome looking eats too today. Love the homemade salad dressing. Sounds delish!
    What kind of low carb bread do u use? Ive been trying to find a decent one!

    This weekends is a relaxing one! we are super busy the next few weekends so I wanted to make sure to get my down time in! For eggs I usually just like in omelet form. Thats mainly the way that I eat them. (With lots of veggies stuffed in it=) My favorite hummus has to be any type of spicy hummus. I love when my food has some kick to it. Have a great weekend!!! xoxo!

  12. Jenny says:

    I WILL marry Michael Cera one day. He rocks my worlddd.

    those egg white pancakes look very interesting.. helloooo protein! do they taste super “eggy” or does the cocoa powder add to the flavor??

    p.s. so bummed that your google reader hates me 🙁 technology sucks the big one.

    love ya sweets! xo

  13. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

    i love that care package you scored, nice goin’ girl!

    and the veggie dogs…no help to you, but i have to say, the detail on your camera is amazing as i could literally see the wrinkles in the “butt” end of the dog on the screen. Ok sorry to belabor the butt end of a dog 🙂


  14. peaceinchaos says:

    The tofu salads sounds super yummy! Im going to try that tom…So do you like the shirtiaki noodles? The few times I tried they were rubbery and had no taste..

  15. plamarie says:

    I have been meaning to make the tofu salad. Love the pumpkin chickpeas. I have only seen bits and parts of Jersey Shore, that good huh? Happy Sunday!

  16. One Healthy Apple says:

    Delicious foods- I could have eaten everything- twice!

    I just discovered Jersey Shore…like Friday and the obsession is deep! I love the hair, tans, and fist-pumping action!

    I hope you are enjoying the rest of your weekend!

  17. glidingcalm says:

    wow! you singing that song in the beg. of that entry made my RESPEKT 🙂 for you just increase 10 fold. HOLLAAAAAAAAAAA.

    sorry bout the narst veggie dogs. some of the brands are SOOO RANK. DO NOT Buy YVES. they are terrible. i like the tofurky brats a lot though!!


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