An Omelet Surprise

Happy Friday, guys! How is everyones day going? Mine is great! I got out of work at 12:30 but before you say WHOA…I start at 5am, so thats a pretty full day, just under 8 hours. (I usually get to leave a bit early on Fridays!) 
So I bet you wanted to know how my no bake energy bars came out, huh? Well let me say I should have definately made a bigger batch! they were Fantastic!

I love the addition of applesauce in here! I have a recipe on my blog, here but these ones didn’t have applesauce in the mix, and I am telling you it made a big flavor difference! I also used BSN banana nut protein whereas in my first recipe I used Sun Warrior. I always like to try out different ingredients! The flavors all came together beautifully and I loved them! They are great to keep in the freezer for on the go snacks!
I got some great new samples!! Lighter Living Probiotic Bars! The first I tried was Apricot Coconut.

Great stats! 9g of fiber!

All organic ingredients
It was so pretty!

And my verdict? Loved these! I was skeptical on the combination of apricot and coconut, but wow. I loved this! It was chewy and dense and dessert like!
Available in 3 flavors, each bar is packed with 9 grams of insoluble and soluble fiber (a quarter of the recommended daily intake). Each bar contains probiotics: “friendly” bacteria found in foods like yogurt that boost our bodies’ immunity optimizing the absorption of nutrients that feed our cells and help us to eliminate unwanted toxins.

A bar a day – at breakfast or as a yummy snack – will help your digestion and make you feel lighter, healthier and full of the energy you need to do the things you love.
They will be in my Opensky Shop shortly!!
Today started with a half of a banana and some Kara Dioguardi. INSANITY followed. Today was Pure cardio and cardio abs day! Phew…Kicks me in the butt every time!

Some Proats (thats protein oats)

A SOYmazing muffin a couple hours later!

And a nice cameo.

Some Protein with some Siggis. Love this to death.

I assembled lunch 1 at work, as I was going to eat it in my car and go do some errands. I had 1 slice of ezekial bread, veggie burger and a LC wedge

With some sprouts and lettuce and I got myself an open facer

I came home RAVENOUS. Shows that INSANITY keeps that metabolism up. I remember I got some beautiful strawberries from Whole Foods this week. I also remembered Jess post on her fruit omelet.

First I cooked up 2 eggwhites and 1 egg into a nice pancake.

I placed the cooked egg and 4 diced strawberries on a high fiber tortilla

Place it back in the pan, once folded and cooked each side until golden brown. Topped with greek yogurt, cinnamon, and syrup.

Oh yeah, I drizzled some sunbutter on top, just to make it even more delictable.

And kept it classy. Thats how I roll. Go make this NOW
Off to enjoy the rest of the day and WEEKEND! 

Peace and love
  • What is the strangest food combination that you have enjoyed lately
  • If you could be any animal what would it be and why?
  • Plans this weekend?

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