Reflections & New Spin Playist!

Hey friends! We made it to the end of the work week! It flew by for me! I think these new workouts I am doing have really helped it fly by. I have something to look forward to every week. I recieved my meal plan this week. It is basically 100% clean eating, and it is just smaller meals broken up throughout the day into 6 meals. I have to say the past few days have been tough. I am not used to eating this way at all. I usually have 3 big-ER meals, then 2 or 3 smaller meals in between. With this plan, all the meals are somewhat equal all throughout the day. I can tell my body is still in an adjustment period and its a bit out of whack/getting used to it. We’ll see what happens!
Thursday’s Breakfast: I cooked up 1/2 C liquid eggwhites in the microwave, then broke it up with a fork.
Added 1/4 C of blueberries and strawberries

Topped with 1/4 C oats. I am used to 1/2 C serving of oats so this is the first adjustment for me to get used to. I am not breaking it up in 2-1/4 C portions. I added cinnamon and nutmeg to the oats

With coffee
Cinnamon and SF syrup (I KNOW its not 100% clean with the syrup but I used about a tsp for some flavor)

Yesterday’s lunch. Baby spinach, cabbage, cucumber, sprouts and mushrooms topped with 3oz grilled chicken and 4 oz sweet potato.

I taught spin last night which was also counted towards my HIIT training for the week.  I have to perform 3 HIIT session/week. The playlist ROCKED. Here it is!

The Bravery: Honest Mistake (warm up & stretch)
Flo-Rida ft. David Guetta: Club can’t handle me (3rd position, endurance ride, picking up pace at chorus)
Finger Eleven: Paralyzer (awesome intervals!)
Rihanna : Russian Roulette (seated climb, increasing resistance throughout)
Aquagen: Summer is calling (Sprints, seated-30 seconds sprint, 30 second recover…repeat for whole song)
David Guetta ft fergie & LMFAO: Gettin’ over you (3rd & 2nd position switch backs with med-high resistance)
Crash Kings: Mountain man (seated endurance. Pick a speed and pace and hold it for 3:30 minutes) HARD!
Weather Girls: It’s raining men: (Intervals between seated and on chorus move to 3rd and sprint)
Sean Kingston ft.Nicki Manaj: Letting go (Jumps up and down for 30 seconds, seated 30 secs and repeat for whole song)
Franz Ferdinand: Take me out (3rd position hill climb, move to seated stay on that hill!)
Trapt: Headstrong (seated sprints on chorus-LOVE THIS!)
Kim Wilde: You keep me hanging on (class choice!) This video SCREAMS 80’s! <3 it!
The police: So lonely (cool down and stretch)

* Class was awesome, there was great intensity and everyone really pushed themselves. i always find that when I teach spin, I push myself harder, because well, I’m the instructor! I can’t sit there and dilly dally, I have to show em what I got!

I also completed one of the supplemental workouts in my workout program. We have about 15 different supplemental workouts to chooose from, all focusing on a different goal for what you want to spend some ‘extra’ time on. I chose one of the leg/booty blaster workouts which totally kicked my BUTT! I didn’t even finish all of it because I didnt want my legs to be 100% Jell-o for spin class.
  • It included lots of bosu squats  supersetted with normal squats, jump squats, walking lunges, jump rope, dead lifts–needless to say my quads are on FIRE. Like I have said before, the CSF workouts are big on supersets meaning doing 2 or 3 exercises back to back with NO rest. This is one way to really fatigue and work those muscles, but this workout was really tough, especially since I worked legs on Tuesday!!
  • I tried foam rolling the fronts of my quads and it was so painful. I have to do it in small doses because any longer than 2 minutes on that foam roller and I will cry!! Any other suggestions to help my poor quads, I am all ears!

Chocolate protein shake after my leg/butt workout

I also munched on some brown rice, eggwhites, 10 blueberries and cinnamon before spin for some energy
This morning started out with some steady state work on the treadmill. I walked on an incline for 30 minutes. I started at 0% grade and increased every 2 minutes by 2 clicks up. I finished up with some abs. 

Breakfast was (and will be for a LONG time) the same 1/4 C oats, 1/4 C bluebs and egg whites

I snagged some fresh lemon from our cafeteria at work and had some lemon water
After I digested it was chest/tricep time. WOW my arms were shaking afterwards! I did supersets of different chest and tricep exercises using lots of body weight as well (push ups, tricep push ups, dips etc)

1/4 C (the other half) 1/4 C blueberries and 1-6 oz greek yogurt. I also had a cup of green beans

My fats!!! 1 T almond butter
Lunch-Baby spinach, cucumber, green beans, sprouts, 2 T salsa, 1/2 C brown rice 3 oz ground turkey

So good. It was so flavorful! Its amazing how food can taste so great and still be super healthy due to seasonings, vinegars and salsa!! I love salsa atop salads
Overall, I am feeling good. Like I said earlier, my body feels a bit out of whack, but I think it is getting used to this new adjustment. I haven’t really splipped up at all, but today I did add an extra scoop of protein after my workout. I wouldn’t really call that a slip up, but it was just an extra protein boost. Yes, I am hungry, but yes, this is expected. I check in with my coach every week so she may adjust food etc. What I do love about this program is they aren’t so caught up in number of calories which would just drive me BONKERS. If I am hungry, I just add some protein, its not like “add 200 calories”  

This weekend will be FUN…I will talk about it all in another post 🙂 
for all those at the HLS—-HAVE FUN!!! xoxoxox
  • What are you most satisfied eating-carbs protein or fats? For me, thats protein!
  • How do you ‘spice up’ your water?! I am LOVING lemon water lately!!
  • What are you up to this weekend?