Got Da Funk

Thank you all so much for the holiday wishes! I had a great day filled with food, family and friends (the way life should be, right??) I kid, I kid.

Anyways, a confession I have for this GLORIOUS Friday is that I haven’t really been “in the mood” to blog lately. I know we all go through funks, and I guess I am hitting mine! I think it has to do with the fact that I am really loving this training for my competition, not that I am focusing all of my energy into it, but the effect it has on my blog has been seen to me through my loss of commenters. I know, my diet has been boring & I haven’t been making as many new recipes lately, but I still truly do love to blog and hope *some* of you will still follow me through this. I love to express myself here, as well as share as much fitness/exercise info I can with you all. Sure, this blog isn’t about my day to day routine, where I went, who I hung out with, what I did at work today, but I hope that some of you use it as a resource coming from a trustworthy and kind-hearted person (thats me!) because I truly love to share information, motivate and help out as much as I can!

I got my nails done before the big shin dig at my house with family and friends. I wanted a gray color, but the only one i could find had some shimmer in it, which I think is sometimes so-so but I acutally really liked this color!

For breakfast that morning I had coffee and…oats! 

Oats in a cup (sorry these are all iphone pics!)
It looks like a funky color, but I promise you it was regular oats (well oat bran acutally)

I also had the most delicious plum!!! I love stone fruits
On Wednesday night in honor of the holiday, my mom always has about 50 people over our house. The next morning looks like a tornado went through the house with how much leftoveers we are left with! I came down in the morning to this picture

Leftovers galore!
Lot of sweets

I literally ate my oatmeal 3 inches away from leftover chocolate trifle dessert

I made a delicious salad for lunch with leftover chicken and lots o’ veggies. 
Afternoon snack of some oatmeal, pb, fruit and greek yogurt!

Peach & raspberries!
Last night for dinner, I opened the fridge and saw we had about 10 peppers.
Roast it! I just poked some holes in the pepper and placed it on the stove top. Just about 3 minutes on each side and I kept rotating it until it became fully roasted and soft. I wrapped it with aluminum foil and let it sit for about 5 minutes. It was delicious!

It was the main event in my side salad along with baby spinach, cukes and sprouts

ALong side my salad I had some snap peas, mushrooms and chicken breast. It was quite the A+ dinner

On the fitness front, things have been great! Still feeling awesome and working hard. I had my leg workout on Tuesday which left me SO sore. Every month we get different work outs so this was my first day with that workout. I love shocking my body and seeing it transform!

I just watched last nights Jersey Shore online and it still remains to be one of my top 5 guilty pleasures, I can’t help it!

Here is a lower body workout for your FABULOUS FRIDAY

Repeat each superset 2 or 3 times depending on how much time you have

Feel the Burn Leg Workout
SET 1:
DB Walking Lunges (12 steps each side)
Superset w/
15 Hamstring Roll ins

SET 2:
DB Step ups
Superset w/
DB Deadlifts

SET 3:
Barbell Reverse Lunges w/ a front kick (12 each leg)
superset w/
20 Bosu medicine ball squats

End the workout with 1 mile run on the treadmil as fast as you can, then
:30 sec bicycle crunches
:30 secstability ball roll outs
:30 reverse crunch
1:00 min plank

Happy Friday, I hope you all have a safe and fun weekend!
  • What is your favorite reality show right now? Jersey Shore for me!
  • Do you ever get in a blogging funk & how do you get over it?
  • What is your favorite color to have on your nails? I LOVE bright colors in the summer and dark colors in the winter, I am not really a light pink or white gal