Dear Me…Love Me…

Hey friends! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! Mine was surely relaxing, they always go by way to fast. I had an awesome workout at the gym on Saturday morning. Morning workouts are my favorite-they really sent the tone for the rest of the day!
For my post today, I was inspired by Laur at Biochemista when she asked me to write her a guest post. The topic of the post was to write a letter to myself at a time in my life that I was not feeling the most confident, and knowing what I know now about life, what would I want to say to myself back then. I thought the idea of this was amazing, because yes, I went through periods of my life where everything wasn’t so amazing, I was down on myself and really felt that I didn’t have goals or even a purpose. I was never the thin popular girl growing up. I was that girl everyone really liked. My group of closeknit girlfriends were the best anyone could ask for (and to this day we are still extremely close–hi friends!) BUT with that said, I was never the first to be asked to the school dance, never the first to be picked on the soccer team and definately never the first choice for my friends to call me up to borrow clothes from. I was….ME. I made it through and eventually transformed my life. I am so happy that I am in a place now where I can look back and think “wow, I cannot believe I was so caught up with THIS” Looking back, these instances were such small pieces of real life.
Laurens “Letters to Me Campaign” I think, is a great idea, and even if you never press “publish” is something you should all do!! 
Dear Naomi
I just wanted to talk to you a bit about the rough patch that you are going through at this time in your life and I am here to assure you that not only will it pass, but you will feel empowered, strong and vibrant like never before after I get done writing this letter. Why is it that you and your friends cared so much what Mary (made up name to keep privacy) thought about you? Was Mary in charge of your life, body, image, clothing and way of acting? Naomi, you have to understand that you have been blessed with the gift of life and YOU my dear, run your own life. In 15 years, who knows where Mary will be, what she is doing for a living, who her friends are, what her hobbies are…. what matters is what you think of yourself.  You will look back at this and want to laugh that you cared so much what others thought of you. Did you wear the ‘right colored pants’ to school? Did you have the coolest backpack, did you pack your own lunch but not eat it in the cafeteria because it was ‘not cool’ What made you do these things. Now, I want you to think how empowering it would feel if YOU were the one to choose what you wear to school everyday, YOU choose what you eat and when you eat it, YOU choose the backpack you want because well, that’s the one you like. You should never do things because other people are telling you to. Does what you do in your life now have anything to do with what Mary thought of you? I didn’t think so.
Naomi, I remember that day in middle school, you were 14 years old and it was during lunch. You heard a rumor that ‘your friends’ were drinking alcohol in the girls bathroom. Your heart started racing, you started getting anxious, nervous and sweaty, not because you were worried about your friends getting caught but you were worried about what they would think of you if you DIDN’T join them. Your life would be ruined, right?…WRONG. You will feel empowered and strong and you will smile deep down knowing you were way too young to drink alcohol, let alone on school property and let alone that you just had no interest.  DON’T get scared about doing the right thing and doing what works for you. In the long run, it will make you a stronger person.
I remember when you and your friends would go shopping and they would try on tight, small clothes, look in the mirror and strut their stuff. You would usually walk out with a hair accessory and perfume from Claires. Why didn’t you want to try on clothes with your friends, Naomi? You were and still are beautiful. Sure you weren’t stick skinny, but you. are. BEAUTIFUL. Embrace what you have; Brains, beauty, amazing sister, daughter, granddaughter, friend and person. Feel free to sit back in awe and disbelief when your friend get caught stealing clothing at a high end store (yes that happened) ALWAYS stand by what you believe in, and what you stand for.
ALWAYS show your family how thankful you are to have them. Your mom and dad not only put you on this earth, but love you beyond what you can imagine. They are and always were here for YOU and your brother. They always wanted the best for you and would drop anything at anytime to make you happy. Never take them for granted. When you are in a bad mood—don’t take it out on them, they don’t deserve it. Instead, share with them what you are feeling and I promise, they will help you through it. I know these years are difficult to show your appreciation, love and affection for your parents, but try, just try to make an effort to show how much you love and need them in your life. And when you went on your ‘first date’ with your boyfriend in 7th grade, and you got so upset that your dad stayed with you in the movie theater–he was being a good father and protective, he wasn’t trying to make you upset. You weren’t 21, you were 14 years old. Listen to your parents. 

Your dad always told you every single day “Never be ordinary & make a difference” You would brush the words off like they were nothing, but really deep down I know you wanted to never be ordinary. You never were, and never will be. Go to the beat of your own drum, Naomi and never forget that.


Sincerely & with love,