Stressed is Desserts Spelled Backwards

Happy Wednesday! Almost there. For those who are celebrating Christmas I am sure there is lots of holiday buzz in your house, local mall and lots of back and forth chatting with family. The holiday time is an exciting time but it can surely be stressful as well. If and when you are feeling stressed, take a step back and remember what you are stressing about. Is is who will bring the turkey to Christmas dinner? is is who will remember to wrap the presents or who will remember to put the presents in the car when you travel? Instead of stressing over trivial things like this that can always be fixed, focus on you and your family and how special of a time this is and how lucky you are to have what you have. 

Now onto some lighter thoughts for today

Fitness update: I am still doing really well with the diet and workouts. Right now my schedule is 

  • weight training 4x a week (Back + biceps, chest +triceps, legs + abs, shoulders +abs) Some weeks I will keep the schedule the same meaning on Mondays I know I will do legs, but other weeks I will switch up the order of body part and day. I like splitting it up this way beacuse it gives me time to focus on only two major muscle groups at a time which leaves my body with plenty of rest in between
  • Cardio 5x a week (broken up into 3 steady state and 2 HIIT sessions)
  • 1 Plyometric body weight workout
  • If I want an extra leg day (lighter weights) I add it as well
I have been comtemplating taking a week off from training. It has been a while since I have taken more than 4 days off at a time and I know the benefits of this are extremely important. Taking a week off gives your body proper rest and recovery it needs to continue to work hard in the gym. Your body will thank you for this break and when coming back into the gym it will be more ready than ever to react to the demands you place on it. Some may worry that they will lose their hard earned muscle, but the exact opposite acutaly happens. Muscle respond not only to absolute load (weights and reps increasing over time) but also to relative overload (which is the current state that they are in) Taking a week off may mean that when coming back you are not lifting AS heavy or AS many repetitions, however to the muscles-they’re being demanded in a new enviornment they aren’t familiar with which means they have to respond. 

Food Update: I am still loving the clean way of eating and trying out new flavors, spices and dishes! Am I 100% strict all the time? NO. I am eating about 75 or 80% clean and then the other 25 or 20% I am eating what I want. It is very important for me to not be so strict with myself at this time because when it comes time for my show in April, my body will simply be worn out.  Not only that, but I am enjoying this time of year! I would never turn down meeting up with a friend, or not attending a holiday party beacuse of food. I go, enjoy, and then just get back on track the next day. It is important not to beat yourself up this time of year when candies, chocolates and goodies are easily in reach. Just go for it and maybe drink an extra bottle of water that day or do 10 minutes more of cardio. I am telling you that 2 cookies will not effect your body in the least!

I made this shrimp dish for dinner on Monday night and it was so flavorful and easy to make! I took 4 oz of shrimp and put it in a skillet on the stovetop with 1 T of low sodium soy sauce and some sesame seeds for that crunch. That was it! I let the shrimps cook through and topped them on some roasted brussels sprouts and broccoli
I love shrimp! 
Salads have been typical by using lots of vegetables, and as you can see I have been loving sesame seeds ! They are such a great addition for some crunch
Breakfasts have also been typical. I made some oatmeal this morning with a dollop of canned pumpkin
Yes, even though I don’t celebrate Christmas, we get in the holiday spirit and give presents to co-workers etc. (Don’t mind the egg whites in the bottom right corner)
Eggwhites and some berries
Oatmeal bath
Did I mention this book has some awesome recipes?? Ina Garten is a pure genious and her food is so simple yet looks so intricate
I want to make this recipe for warm french lentils! YUM

Question of the day: If you could spend a day with someone famous dead or alive who would it be?